During a project in West Texas, an operator required isolation of ~2300ft of 5 1/2” 17# corroded casing in the San Andres formation. The client recognized a permanent solution to mitigate the corroded section was preferential to attempting multiple squeezes with minimal lifespan.
Solution And Achievement
Reline MNS was chosen as its shoeless design eliminates the requirement for drill out after expansion. Coretrax expanded the 4 1/4”, 0.310wt liner across the affected area, setting seals in competent pipe selected above and below the corroded casing. Once installed it provided high burst and collapse ratings with minimal loss of inner diameter (ID).
Following detailed pre-planning, the system was deployed and successfully isolated the corroded casing before a pressure test was completed. The large post-expanded ID enabled the ESP to drift through the expanded liner. The well was subsequently placed back online, enabling the well to be put back on production with minimal downtime.