How Octopoda™ can protect your well integrity and optimize production

27th July 2022

Well integrity issues are a growing concern across the energy industry, affecting an estimated 30% of wells around the world. As the age of global well stocks increases the requirement for effective well integrity measures to optimize production will only increase.

The industry’s continued search for innovative and cost-efficient solutions for assurity of production and sustainability of operations means there are significant pressures for advanced technical solutions to deliver more with less.

To solve these challenges, Expro has engineered the OctopodaTM annulus intervention system. It’s a truly unique, proven and advanced technological solution allowing direct access to the well annuli to enable enhanced production and assured well integrity without disrupting operations.

Furthermore, it allows you to regain shut in wells and make them economically profitable again. With advanced corrosion protection for up to 20 years, Octopoda can help create a sustainable impact on asset production and revenue, setting you apart from the competition.

Partnering with Expro for support and trusted advice, paired with reliable data and insight of your well, Octopoda enables key decisions to be made swiftly, giving you more time to manage and plan ahead.

Read on to find out how we used Octopoda’s unique annulus intervention capabilities in a world’s first project to help Chevron solve a base oil displacement challenge – with impressive results.


Octopoda delivers world first for Chevron


Octopoda was recently used on a Chevron offshore platform well to intervene the A annulus and replace base oil with water ahead of resin placement on top of the packer.

Base oil significantly reduces the effectiveness of resin. Chevron had previously seen a 50% reduction in the impact of the resin when it was added to an earlier well containing base oil.

Having reviewed the effectiveness of conventional methods, Chevron was keen to try Octopoda as an innovative solution to achieve base oil displacement at depth.

Deploying Octopoda meant Chevron avoided having to use the production tubing for circulation via a stimulation vessel or coil. This eliminated the need for communication between the production tubing and the A annulus meaning the barrier remained intact between the reservoir and the A annulus.

Expro displaced the base oil and established circulation by pumping fresh water through the annulus intervention system. Despite experiencing space limitations caused by control lines, clamps, and centralizers.

This was the first time the A annulus had ever been intervened using a conveying hose. Furthermore, it proved the efficiency benefits of Octopoda’s annular intervention over conventional practices by reducing time, costs and personnel. The operation lasted three days compared to an estimated 10-13 days, avoiding the conventional lube and bleed method or the need to punch and circulate the well.

Octopoda’s small footprint compared to a pumping vessel or unit reduced lifting risks and required only a two-man crew from Expro. The base oil was collected in a closed loop in the system, avoiding its exposure to the environment.


Find out how Octopoda can solve your well integrity challenges here

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