International Women in Engineering Day

23rd June 2020

Discover what shaped Hannah’s path into Engineering and how she works to engineer the answers of tomorrow.

My name is Hannah Baxter, I am 27 years old, and I am an Engineer working for Expro. I have worked for Expro for almost nine years and stared my journey here as a designer. Whilst working I studied Mechanical Engineering part time through evening classes at North East Scotland College, I then went on to study for a BEng in Mechanical Engineering at RGU, I am due to graduate this summer and nervously awaiting my results. In my spare time I enjoy road cycling, hill walking and more recently gravel cycling.

What three words would you use to describe an Engineer?




How would you describe your day job to a child?

If I were describing my day job to a child, I would say that engineers come up with new ways to solve problems and make things work. I have a young niece and nephew and when I told my nephew I was an Engineer he was very excited and he now automatically assumes I can fix everything!

What experiences shaped your future to become an Engineer?

Growing up my dad always taught me to stand on my own two feet. I have always been interested in finding out how things work and problem solving. When I bought my first car before I was even allowed to drive it my dad made sure I could change the wheel, in case I got a puncture, and fill up and check the engine oil (probably so he didn’t have to come and rescue me if any of these things actually happened – which they did!).

What achievement are you most proud of?

Last July Expro acquired 100% equity of a small Norwegian technology company called ‘Quality Intervention’. I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to move to Norway on a temporary secondment to integrate the company into the Expro family.

Myself and another engineer that I have worked with for many years were chosen to form the engineering team for the two Quality Intervention product lines, CoilHose and Annulus Intervention, primarily focussing on research and development projects.

This has been a steep learning curve as not only have I never lived abroad but also I have always worked as part of an ‘established product line’. In my time here, I have been involved and exposed to all parts of the business from engineering and design to supply chain, training, and marketing.

It has been a really great challenge and I am thankful for the opportunity.

Do you have any advice you would give to your younger-self?

If I were to give my younger self any advice it would be to work harder at school – (especially in maths – this would have made my degree a lot easier).

Also not to be scared to try something new – I didn’t know if engineering was for me, I had thought about firefighting and being a nurse but I am glad I made the choices I did.  

What advice would you give to the engineers of tomorrow?

Try to stand out from everyone else, think outside the box, try to teach and inspire others, and never turn down an opportunity (even if it terrifies you!).

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