Below is a list of issued US Patents owned by Expro Meters. Expro's products and/or services may be covered by one or more of the below listed US Granted Patents or their foreign counterparts. You may obtain a copy of these granted patents from
7110893 | 7121152 | 7127360 | 7150202 | 7152003 | 7152460 | 7171315 |
7197938 | 7197942 | 7237440 | 7249525 | 7253742 | 7295933 | 7299705 |
7302861 | 7308820 | 7322251 | 7330797 | 7340353 | 7343820 | 7363800 |
7379828 | 7380438 | 7380439 | 7389687 | 7418877 | 7426852 | 7430924 |
7437946 | 7440873 | 7454981 | 7526966 | 7596987 | 7603916 | 7624650 |
7624651 | 7661302 | 7672794 | 7673526 | 7690266 | 7725270 | 7752918 |
7793555 | 7831398 | 7962293 | 7963175 | 7963177 | 7975559 | 8061186 |
8117918 | 8229686 | 8286466 | 8346491 | 8402840 | 8402841 | 8428892 |
8452551 | 8641813 | 9046399 | 9435681 | 9528362 | 10502601 | 10627272 |
10704939 | 11307075 | 11536598 | 11650089 | 11841257 | 11940309 |
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